A video binary.
Only MP4 containers with AV1 are generally supported, though the web viewer supports more video codecs, depending on browser.
See for details of what is and isn't supported.
In order to display a video, you also need to log a archetypes.VideoFrameReference
for each frame.
Components components
Required: Blob
Recommended: MediaType
Shown in shown-in
- Spatial2DView
- Spatial3DView (if logged under a projection)
- DataframeView
API reference links api-reference-links
Examples examples
Video with automatically determined frames video-with-automatically-determined-frames
"""Log a video asset using automatically determined frame references."""
import sys
import rerun as rr
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
# TODO(#7354): Only mp4 is supported for now.
print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <path_to_video.[mp4]>")
rr.init("rerun_example_asset_video_auto_frames", spawn=True)
# Log video asset which is referred to by frame references.
video_asset = rr.AssetVideo(path=sys.argv[1])
rr.log("video", video_asset, static=True)
# Send automatically determined video frame timestamps.
frame_timestamps_ns = video_asset.read_frame_timestamps_ns()
# Note timeline values don't have to be the same as the video timestamps.
indexes=[rr.IndexColumn("video_time", timedelta=1e-9 * frame_timestamps_ns)],
Demonstrates manual use of video frame references demonstrates-manual-use-of-video-frame-references
"""Manual use of individual video frame references."""
# TODO(#7298): ⚠️ Video is currently only supported in the Rerun web viewer.
import sys
import rerun as rr
import rerun.blueprint as rrb
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
# TODO(#7354): Only mp4 is supported for now.
print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <path_to_video.[mp4]>")
rr.init("rerun_example_asset_video_manual_frames", spawn=True)
# Log video asset which is referred to by frame references.
rr.log("video_asset", rr.AssetVideo(path=sys.argv[1]), static=True)
# Create two entities, showing the same video frozen at different times.
rr.VideoFrameReference(seconds=1.0, video_reference="video_asset"),
rr.VideoFrameReference(seconds=2.0, video_reference="video_asset"),
# Send blueprint that shows two 2D views next to each other.
rr.send_blueprint(rrb.Horizontal(rrb.Spatial2DView(origin="frame_1s"), rrb.Spatial2DView(origin="frame_2s")))